外國學⽣招⽣簡章 International Degree Student Prospectus
壹、申請日程 Application timetable
2025 年秋季班(114-1 學期)2025 Fall semester
貳、申請資格 Eligibility
Applicants should meet the criteria under the Ministry of Education(MOE)” MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.”
一、身分規定 Nationality Requirements
(一) 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,符合下列規定者:
- 未曾以僑生身分在臺就學。
- 未於申請入學當學年度依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法經海外聯合招生委員會分發
A person of foreign nationality who has never held the Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) nationality and who meets the following requirements.
- The person has never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese
- The person has not been given a placement in the current academic year by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
(二) 具外國國籍並符合下列規定,且最近連續居留海外六年以上者:
- 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。
- 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年。
A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has resided overseas continuously for at least six years.
- A person who at the time of their application holds dual O.C. nationality shall have never had household registration in Taiwan.
- A person who before the time of their application held dual O.C. nationality but no longer does at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before their application.
※依《國籍法》第 2 條之規定
- 出生時父或母為中華民國國民。
- 出生於父或母死亡後,其父或母死亡時為中華民國國民。
- 出生於中華民國領域內,父母均無可考,或均無國籍者。
- 歸化者。
※According to Article 2 of the “Nationality Act”:
A person shall have the nationality of the R.O.C. under any of the conditions provided by the following Subparagraphs:
- His/her father or mother was a national of the O.C. when he/she was born.
- He/she was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father or mother was a national of the R.O.C. at the time of death.
- He/she was born in the territory of the O.C., and his/her parents cannot be ascertained, or both were stateless persons.
- He/she has undergone the naturalization
(三) 依教育合作協議,由外國政府、機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民,其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者,經主管教育行政機關核准,得不受前二項規定之限制。
A foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school to study in Taiwan in accordance with the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement and who has never had household registration in Taiwan may be given exemption from the restrictions set out in the preceding two paragraphs if the competent education administrative authority gives approval.
(四) 前述所稱之六年、八年,以擬入學當學期起始日期(二月一日或八月一日)為終日計之。
The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (February 1 or August 1) as the end date of the period.
(五) 前述所稱海外,指大陸地區、香港及澳門以外之國家或地區;所稱連續居留,指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日。連續居留海外採計期間之起迄年度非屬完整曆年者,以各該年度之採計期間內在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日予以認定。但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者,不在此限;其在國內停留期間,不併入海外居留期間計算:
- 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練專班。
- 就讀教育部部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心,合計未滿二年。
- 交換學生,其交換期間合計未滿二年。
- 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習,實習期間合計未滿二年。
The term “overseas” mentioned above refers to countries or regions other than the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau; the term “reside overseas continuously” means that an international student has stayed in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of consecutive years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any time spent in Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days. However, the time that a person has spent in Taiwan is not subject to this restriction and it is not counted when calculating how long they were in Taiwan in a particular year if the person has documentary proof that they:
- attended an overseas youth training course organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or a technical professional training program accredited by the Ministry of Education;
- spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese language center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit students overseas;
- spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student; or
- spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to undertake with the approval of the designated central competent authority.
(六) 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍,且於中華民國一百年二月一日修正施行前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者,得依原規定申請入學,不受第二項規定之限制。
A person who held both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and applied for annulment of their
R.O.C. nationality before the date of effect of the February 1, 2011 amendment to these Regulations may apply for admission as an international student in accordance with the provisions in place before the amendment and is not subject to the restrictions set out in Paragraph 2.
二、學歷規定 Academic Qualifications Requirements
According to MOE’s” Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education”
(一) 畢(肄)業學校應為已列入教育部參考名冊者;未列入參考名冊者,應為當地國政府學校權責機關或其認定之教育專業評鑑團體所認可。
The educational institution from which the applicant graduated or where they have been studying but have not yet graduated shall already be listed in the reference list. An educational institution not in the reference list shall have been accredited by the government authority responsible for such educational institutions or by the professional accreditation agency for education in the country where it is located.
(二) 具有教育部「入學大學同等學力認定標準」有關該學制同等學力報考資格者。 Applicants should meet the criteria under “MOE Standards for Recognition of Equivalent. Educational Levels for University Admission”.
(三) 大陸地區學歷:應依《大陸地區學歷採認辦法》規定辦理。
Applicants who graduated from the Mainland China area should satisfy the provisions of The regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials from the Mainland Area.
(四) 香港或澳門學歷:應依《香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法》規定辦理。
Applicants who graduated from Hong Kong or Macao should satisfy the provisions of the “Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Records from Hong Kong and Macao.”
(五) 前二項以外之國外地區學歷,應依《大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法》規定辦理。
Applicants who graduated from foreign countries should satisfy the provisions of the
“Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education.”
參、申請方式及文件 Application and Required Documents
一、申請方式 Application process
至本校招生系統填寫並上傳下列所需文件(不接受紙本資料),並於申請截止前送出申請。 Applicants must complete the online application and upload all the required documents before the deadline (Only online applications are accepted).
申請者僅能申請1組帳號並送出1份申請件;違者則其帳號和申請案件視同無效。 Applicants can apply for only one account and submit one application using the online application system. Applicants with more than one account and application will be considered invalid.
- 招生系統連結 Application website:
二、申請文件 Application documents
項目標註*號者為必繳文件 Documents marked with an asterisk “*” are mandatory.
No. | 文件 Documents | 說明 Details |
1 |
*入學申請表 (線上填寫) *Application form (online) |
每份申請至多可選擇 2 個志願,並可勾選同意由國際處媒合其他志願。 |
Each application can choose up to 2 preferences, with an option to consent to additional matching by the Office of International Affairs for other programs | ||
2 |
*申請費用繳費證明 * Proof of payment for the application fee. |
新台幣 800 元之繳費證明
1. 未依規定繳納申請費用者不予受理。 2. 申請費用一經繳納,概不退還。包含申請未完成、放棄申請、申請資格不符、誤繳、重覆繳費等。 |
Proof of payment (800 TWD)
1. Application for which the application fee is not paid will not be processed. 2. When the application fee is paid, no refund will be given for any reason, including withdrawing the application, failing to meet application requirements, paying by mistake, and making repeated payments. |
3 |
*Certificate of nationality |
請提供護照資料頁,若具有居留證亦請合併上傳。 |
Applicants should upload the passport’s information page. If they have an Alien Residence Certificate (ARC), please combine it into one PDF file and submit it online. | ||
4 |
*學歷證明文件 *Academic credential |
1. 應屆畢業申請者無須檢附證書,但須上傳當學期中文或英文版在學證明。
2. 請將原文、英文學位證書合併成一個檔案上傳。 3. 畢業證書為中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本,譯本須經學校或公證單位驗證並加蓋認證章戳。 4. 申請學士班須繳交高中畢業證書,申請碩士班需繳交大學學歷證明、申請博士班需繳交碩士學歷證明。 |
1. Applicants expected to graduate in the current semester are not required to upload their graduation certificate. However, they must upload a “Certificate of Enrollment” for the current semester, either in Chinese or English
2. Applicants should upload the official diploma in local and English languages. Please merge the two versions as a file and upload it to the online system. 3. An English translation must be provided if the diploma is in a language other than Chinese or English. The translated copy must be authenticated and sealed by the university or by a notary public. 4. Applicants should provide a high school diploma for undergraduate programs, a bachelor’s degree diploma for postgraduate studies, and a master’s degree diploma for doctoral studies. |
5 |
*歷年成績單 *Official transcript(s) |
成績單應包含在校每學期之成績。中、英文以外之語文,應附中文或英文譯本,翻譯本須經公證單位驗證並加蓋認證章戳。 |
A copy of the Official Transcript(s) should include grades for every semester. An English translation must be provided if the transcripts are in a language other than Chinese or English. The translated
copies must be authenticated and sealed by a notary public. |
6 |
*Financial support |
1. 獎學金核發證明:須為臺灣政府或其他機構所核發之全額 |
2. 銀行財力證明: (1) 請檢附最近三個月內核發之美金四千五百元銀行存款證明。 (2) 若存款證明非申請者本人帳戶,需附上資助者聲明書,敘明與申請者之關係並保證負擔申請者在臺留學所有費用。 (3) 請將資助者聲明書與資助者的存款證明合併成1個PDF檔案上傳。 |
The applicants must submit proof of sufficient funds to cover their first-year study expenses at NKUST (approximately 4,500 USD) by one of the following means:
1. A scholarship award certificate must be a full certificate issued by the Taiwan government or other institutions; NKUST scholarships and scholarships still in the application process are not accepted).
2. Bank financial statement (1) An official bank statement showing a minimum balance of USD 4,500 in English/Chinese issued within the last 3 months. (2) If the bank account is not under the applicant’s name, a sponsor declaration must be attached, stating the sponsor’s relationship to the applicant and guaranteeing coverage of all study expenses in Taiwan. (3) Please combine the guarantor’s financial statement and signed guarantee letter into a single PDF file for upload. |
7 |
*推薦信 *Recommendation Letter |
1. 申請生需於線上申請系統完成推薦人基本資料及電子郵件登錄,系統將會直接寄發電子郵件給指定之推薦人。
2. 申請者需自行確認是否推薦人於申請期限內完成線上推薦程序。 ※部分系所可能要求額外推薦信 |
1. After filling in the referee’s information, the system will notify the referees directly.
2. The applicant should check whether their referees have completed the Recommendation Letters before the deadline. |
※Some programs may request additional recommendation letters. | ||
8 |
*切結書及額外國籍證明文件 *Declaration Form and Additional Proof of Nationality |
1. 申請者須於申請系統下載切結書,簽署後上傳(姓名處請手寫勿以電腦繕打)。
2. 符合教育部外國學生來臺就學辦法第二條第二項或第三條之規定者(包含曾具或兼具中華民國國籍、具外國國籍兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格、曾為大陸地區人民),須繳交相關文件。 |
1. Applicants must download the designated declaration from the application system, sign it, and upload the signed copy (please handwrite your name instead of typing it on a computer).
2. Where applicants fall under the MOE “International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan” regulation, specifically, Article 2, paragraph 2, or Article 3 (including those who currently hold or previously held R.O.C nationality, those with foreign nationality and permanent residency status in Hong Kong or Macau, or those who were former citizens of Mainland China) should provide related documents. |
9 |
*語言能力測驗證明 *Language Proficiency Test Certificate |
1. 申請者如申請之系所及學程為中文授課,申請者須具備華語文能力,並須檢附華語能力測驗成績。
2. 申請者如申請之系所及學程為英文授課,申請者須具備英文能力,並須檢附英語能力測驗成績,惟以下申請者無須檢附英語測驗成績: (1) 申請者來自官方語言及通用語言為英語之國家。 (2) 前一學程以英語授課者,需檢附學校開立證明。 3. 個別系所授課語言及所需語言能力測驗證明,請點擊連結確認:招生系所授課語言. |
1. Applicants for programs taught in Chinese must have Chinese language skills and provide a Chinese proficiency test certificate.
2. Applicants for programs taught in English must have English language skills and provide an English proficiency test certificate. The following applicants do not need to submit a language proficiency test certificate: (1) Applicants from English as the official or common |
language countries.
(2) Applicants whose previous degree was conducted in English should provide a certificate issued from the school. 3. For each department’s teaching language and required language proficiency test certificates, please click the link to check: Teaching languages and admission language proficiency standards of the programs |
華語測驗等級對照 Chinese proficiency test comparison: https://tocfl.edu.tw/index.php/test/reading/list/8=
英語測驗等級對照 English proficiency test comparison: |
10 |
*Other materials required by departments |
依照申請系所規定繳交。 |
Applicants should submit other support materials required by departments. | ||
11 |
特定國家人士申請來臺簽證保證書 Letter of Guarantee for Visa Application to the Republic of China |
1. 若申請人為特定國家人士(依據外交部公告,包含阿富汗、阿爾及利亞、孟加拉、喀麥隆、甘比亞、迦納、伊拉克、尼泊爾、尼日、奈及利亞、巴基斯坦、塞內加爾、索馬利亞、斯里蘭卡、敘利亞等),需填寫申請中華民國簽證保證書第一頁個人資料欄位。
2. 申請人無須自行找尋在臺保證人,保證人需為本校專任(案)教師,由錄取系所推派。 |
1. Applicants from designated countries (announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Gambia, Ghana, Iraq, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Syria, and so on), the applicant needs to fill in the personal information on page one of the “Letter of Guarantee for Visa Application to the Republic of China.”
2. Applicants do not need to find a guarantor in Taiwan themselves. The guarantor must be a full-time (or project- based) faculty teacher in NKUST and will be assigned by the admitting department. |
★An international student who submits any certificate or document as part of their application for admission to an educational institution that is found to be forged, fabricated, or that has been
altered in some way shall have their enrollment eligibility revoked. If the student has already
registered and begun classes, their registration as a current student shall be canceled and they will not be awarded any certification whatsoever regarding their related academic undertakings. If any such circumstances are first discovered after a student has already graduated, the educational institution shall revoke the former student’s eligibility to graduate and shall require any degree already awarded to be returned and shall rescind it.
肆、入學資格審查程序 Admission Review Process
1. Reviewing Process
- Eligibility Review:
The Office of International Affairs will review applications to verify eligibility. Applicants will be notified via email if additional documents or clarifications are needed.
- Department/College Admission Review:
Once the application passes the initial review, it will be forwarded to the departments for evaluation based on their established standards.
- Scholarship and Admissions Committee Review:
After the departmental admission review, the application will be submitted to the International Scholarship Committee for initial review, followed by the Admissions Committee for a final review.
2. Confirmation of Enrollment
Once the admission results are finalized, applicants will be notified via email. Applicants must confirm their enrollment on the application system before the deadline. Applicants who fail to confirm their admission by the deadline will be regarded as giving up their admission. After enrollment confirmation, the admission letter will be available for download from the system.
三、報到注意事項 Registration
(一) 新生須於指定日期前報到,逾期未報到者視為放棄入學資格。
New students should check in at the Office of International Affairs during registration. Students who fail to complete these procedures on time will be regarded as giving up their admission.
(二) 報到時繳交畢業證書正本及成績單正本,以及經畢業學校所在地之中華民國駐外館處驗證並加蓋認證章戳(*註1)之驗證版本,否則撤銷其入學資格。
Applicants must provide the official diploma and transcripts and the authenticated copy (refer to Note) on registration day; otherwise, the admission will be canceled.
(三) 正本於查驗後發還。
The original document will be returned after verification.
註1:「經我國駐外單位」泛指我國駐外使領館、代表處、辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構。 NOTE: “ROC representative offices abroad” refers to ROC embassies, consulates, representatives, trade offices, or other agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC.伍、學雜費收費標準 Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees
- 以下提供113學年度學雜費收費標準供參考,實際費用依本校網頁最新公告為準(外國學生的收費標準為本地生兩倍)。
The following form is the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the 2024-2025 Academic year.
The exact costs are based on the University’s website (Tuition fees for international students are twice that of Taiwanese students).
- 獲得學雜費減免之學生,仍需繳交本校宿舍費(住校者)、電腦及網路通訊使用費及保險費。
Students who receive tuition waivers are still required to pay the dormitory fee, computer, internet usage fee, and insurance fees.
- 日間部碩、博士班學生
(一) 前二年每學期應繳學雜費=(系所最低畢業學分數×學分費÷ 4 學期)+學雜費基數,學分數與修習時數不同者,以較高者計算。
(二) 第三年起,僅須繳交學雜費基數至畢業為止。
Full-Time Master’s and Doctoral Students:
For the first two years, tuition fees per semester are calculated as follows: (minimum graduation credits required by the program × per-credit fee ÷ 4 semesters) + base tuition fee. If credit hours differ from hours attended, the higher value is used. Starting from the third year, only the base tuition fee is required each semester until graduation.
一、113學年度學雜費收費標準-2024/25 Tuition Fee Standard
*特別注意:此表格之學雜費收費標準可能有所變動。 *Note: The tuition fee standard may be altered. 幣值單位Currency: 新台幣TWD |
學院 College |
學士班Bachelor | 碩士班/博士班
Master & Ph.D. |
Tuition |
Miscellaneous fee |
Total |
學分費 Credit Fee | 雜費基數
Base fee |
Credit Fee |
College of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Intelligence Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Department of Industrial Design |
32,052 |
20,506 |
52,558 |
2,084 |
26,846 |
3,198 |
機電工程系博士班 Department of Mechatronics
Engineering (Ph.D.) |
– |
– |
– |
– |
28,340 |
3,340 |
College of Foreign Languages, Department of Cultural and Creative Industries, Department of Human Resource Development |
31,766 |
13,862 |
45,628 |
1,920 |
22,808 |
3198 |
管理學院、商業智慧學院、海洋商務學 院、海洋事務與產業管理碩士班
College of Management, College of Marine Commerce, Department and Graduate Institute of Aquaculture |
31,766 |
13,862 |
45,628 |
2,072 |
24,600 |
3,198 |
College of Maritime |
32,052 |
20,502 |
52,554 |
2,072 |
26,650 |
3,076 |
College of Hydrosphere Science |
32,052 |
20,074 |
52,126 |
2,072 |
25,830 |
3,076 |
其他費用Other fees | ||||||
電腦及網路通訊使用費 Computer and Internet usage fee |
新台幣 TWD |
200-300 |
每學期/ every semester |
300 TWD for Jiangong, Yanchao Campus. 200-第一、楠梓、旗津校區 200 TWD for First, Nanzih, Cijin Campus |
學生團體保險 School student insurance |
新台幣 TWD |
455 |
every semester |
全校學生 All Students |
外國學生商業保險 International student health insurance |
新台幣 TWD |
/6個月For six months |
/月/per month |
International Students who are not eligible for the NHI |
全民健康保險(NHI) National Health Insurance |
新台幣 TWD |
4,956 /6個月For six months |
826 /月/per month |
International students who have stayed in Taiwan for six months after receiving ARC must participate in the NHI. |
二、學雜費退費 Tuition Refund Policy
The form is based on the NKUST Guidelines for Leave of Absence, Reinstatement, Withdrawal, and Refund Application for Students.
退費計算基準 | |
Before or on the registration day |
申請休退學者免繳費;已繳費者退全額 Application Deadline for a Full Tuition and Fees Refund for Students Withdrawing or
Taking a Leave of Absence |
上課(開學)日(含)之後未逾學期1/3 Within the first 1/3 of the current semester | 申請休退學者,學雜費退還2/3 Application Period for a 2/3 Tuition and Fees Refund for Students Withdrawing or Taking a Leave of Absence |
2/3 After the first 1/3 of the current semester but before 2/3 of the semester |
申請休退學者,學雜費退還1/3 Application Period for a 1/3 Tuition and Fees Refund for Students Withdrawing or Taking a Leave of Absence |
上課(開學)日(含)之後逾學期2/3 Over 2/3 of the current semester | 不退費 No tuition refund will be accepted. |
Applications for withdrawal or leave of absence are submitted online. |
三、宿舍資訊 Dormitory
欲申請學生宿舍之新生,須於錄取後線上提出申請,相關申請資訊將於新生手冊上通知。 New students who intend to apply for the dormitory shall apply online. Further application information will be available in the New Student Guideline.
- 宿舍資訊連結 Webpage for dormitory information: Student Housing Service Division
校區 campus | 住宿費用 Dormitory Fee |
第一校區 First campus |
l 女生宿舍費用 Female Dormitory Fee 10,100~10,700 TWD /one semester
l 男生宿舍費用 Male Dormitory Fee 9,700~10,700 TWD /one semester |
楠梓校區 Nanzih campus |
l 5 人雅房住宿費 9,300 元/1 學期。
Five-person room (shared bath): 9,300 TWD /one semester l 4 人套房住宿費 10,200 元/1 學期。 Quadruple room: 10,200 TWD /one semester |
旗津校區 Cijing Campus |
4 人房住宿費 7,900 元 Four-person room: 7,900 TWD /one semester; |
建工校區 Jiangong Campus |
l 男宿-毅志樓 (四人雅房):16,300 元/1 學期。
l 女宿-慧 樓 (大套房 4 人):11,800 元/1 學期。 l 女宿-慧 樓 (小套房 4 人):10,400 元/1 學期。
l Male Dorm-Yizhi Building (Quadruple room with shared bath): 16,300 TWD / per semester. l Female Dorm-Huei Building (Quadruple room): 11,800 TWD per semester. l Female Dorm-Huei Building (Quadruple room): 10,400 TWD per semester. |
燕巢校區 Yanchao Campus |
l 四人套房收費 11,700 元/1 學期。 l 兩人套房收費 14,900 元/1 學期。 l Quadruple room 11,700 TWD /one semester. l Double room: 14,900 TWD /one semester. |
陸、獎學金資訊 Scholarship Information
一、臺灣獎學金 Taiwan scholarship
(一) 教育部臺灣獎學金 Ministry of Education (MOE) Scholarship
For relevant information, please visit http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw
(二) 外交部臺灣獎學金 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Scholarship For relevant information, please visit http://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw
(三) 教育部英專案-新南向培英獎學金 Elite Scholarship Program
- 申請資格:東南亞及南亞國家公私立大專校院現職講師。
- 檢附佐證文件。
Eligibility: Hold the position of lecturer (or assistant professor and professor) at a public or private higher education institution in a country of South or Southeast Asia.
Please submit supporting documents with your application.
相關資訊 For relevant information, please visit:https://oia.nkust.edu.tw/en/about7-44.html
二、高科大獎學金 NKUST scholarship
New students must apply for scholarships at the time of admission. Please refer to the following regulations for the number of awards and scholarship amounts:
(一) 國立高雄科技大學優秀外國博士生獎學金作業要點
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Regulations Governing the Scholarships for Outstanding International Doctoral Students https://rule.nkust.edu.tw/p/405-1033-78436,c726.php
(二) 國立高雄科技大學優秀外國學碩士生獎學金作業要點
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Regulations Governing the Scholarships for Outstanding International Undergraduate and Graduate Students https://rule.nkust.edu.tw/p/405-1033-78435,c726.php
柒、招生系所及學程 Programs for International Students
一、招生名額與修業年限 Admission quota and program length
學制 Study level | 名額 Admission quota | 修業年限 Program length |
學士班 Bachelor program | 137 | 4 years |
碩士班 Master program | 234 | 1-4 years |
博士班 Doctoral program | 107 | 2-7 years |
二、招生系所 Departments and programs
Each department/program and their application requirements can be found at the following link: http://oia01.nkust.edu.tw/intladmission/brochure?year=114&sms=1
Click on the college name to access information on each department’s teaching language and admission requirements.
智慧機電學院 College of Intelligence Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
電機與資訊學院 College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
水圈學院 College of Hydrosphere Science商 業智慧學院 Business Intelligence School管理學院 College of Management
海洋商務學院 College of Marine Commerce
創新設計學院 College of Innovation and Design
外語學院 College of Foreign Languages
Teaching languages and admission language proficiency standards of the programs |
▲中文授課/Program taught in Chinese
▓英文授課課程足夠滿足畢業需求/Sufficient English courses to meet graduation requirements ◆ 英文授課課程未滿足畢業需求/Provide English courses but not meet graduation requirements ★全英文授課/Program taught in English (all the courses)
※灰底欄位為未開放招生 Gray-shaded fields indicate programs not open for admission. |
College |
Departments/ Programs |
Main campus |
B |
M |
D |
化學工程與材料工程系 Department of Chemical and Materials |
建工 Jiangong |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
土木工程系 | 建工
Jiangong |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
工業工程與管理系 | 建工
Jiangong |
★英 B1 |
營建工程系 | 第一
First |
★英 B1 |
環境與安全衛生工程系 | 第一
First |
▓英 B1 |
▓英 B1 |
智慧機電學院 College of | 機械工程系 | 建工
Jiangong |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
★英 B1 |
模具工程系 | 建工
Jiangong |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
機電工程系 | 第一 | ▲華 A2 | ★英 B1 |
Department of Mechatronics Engineering | First | ◆ 英 B1 | |||
電機工程系 | 建工
Jiangong |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
★英 B1 |
電機工程系 |
建工 Jiangong |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
電子工程系(建工校區) | 建工
Jiangong |
▲華 A2 |
★英 B1 |
★英 B1 |
資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information |
建工 Jiangong |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
光電工程研究所 Institute of Photonics Engineering |
建工 Jiangong |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
電子工程系(第一校區) | 第一
First |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
電腦與通訊工程系 Department of Computer and Communication Engineering |
第一 First |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
半導體工程系 |
楠梓 Nanzih |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
海事科技產學合作博士班 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▓英 B1 |
造船及海洋工程系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2 | ▲華 A2 |
Architecture and Ocean Engineering and Graduate School | |||||
電訊工程系 Department of Telecommunications |
楠梓 Nanzih |
▓英 B1 |
航運技術系 | 旗津
Cijin |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
海事資訊科技系 | 旗津
Cijin |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
海事風電工程碩士學位學程 | 旗津
Cijin |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
漁業科技與管理系 Department of Fisheries Technology |
楠梓 Nanzih |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
海洋事務與產業管理研究所 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2
英 B1 |
水產食品科學系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▓英 B1 | |||
水產養殖系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2 | ▲華 A2 | ||
海洋生物技術系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2 |
▓英 B1 |
海洋環境工程系 Department of Marine Environmental Engineering |
楠梓 Nanzih |
▓英 B1 |
智慧商務組 | ||||||
Program of Intelligent
Commerce |
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
商業智慧學院 | 財政稅務組 | |||||
博士班 Ph.D. Program in Business Intelligence | Program of Public Finance
and Taxation |
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
觀光與餐旅管 | ||||||
理組 Program of Tourism Management | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
學院 | 智慧商務系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2
英 B1 |
觀光管理系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
財政稅務系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
會計資訊系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
金融資訊系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
管理學院博 士班
PH.D. Programs in Management國際領域 International Realm 行銷領域 Marketing Realm財管領域 Finance Realm 金融領域 Money & Banking Realm 風管領域 Risk Realm |
第一 First |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
資訊管理系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
資訊管理系電 子商務碩士班 |
第一 First |
▲華 A2 ◆ 英 B1 |
運籌管理系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
運籌管理系商務經營管理碩 士班 |
第一 First |
▲華 A2 |
科技法律研究所 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
行銷與流通管理系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
國際企業系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
企業管理系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
風險管理與保險系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
金融系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
▲華 A2
▓英 B1 |
財務管理系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
第一 First |
★ TOEFL (iBT)80; TOEIC:820
;IELTS:6.0 |
人力資源發展系 | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
航運管理系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
TOEIC 600 |
供應鏈管理系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2
◆ 英 B1 |
海洋休閒管理系 | 楠梓
Nanzih |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
創新設計學院 College of | 文化創意產業學系 Department of Cultural and Creative Industries | 燕巢
Yanchao |
▲華 A2 |
▲華 A2 |
Innovation and Design | ||||||
第一 First |
) 42; IELTS 4.5; TOEIC 550 |
應用語言學與英語教學 (英語教學組)
Track 1: TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
第一 First |
★英 B2 TOEFL (iBT)70; IELTS 5.5; TOEIC 750 |
應用語言學與英語教學 (商務英語溝通組)
Track 2: EBP English for Business Purposes |
第一 First |
★英 B2 TOEFL (iBT)70; IELTS 5.5; TOEIC 750 |
應用英語系口筆譯碩士班 |
第一 First |
▲ 華 B2;
⬛ TOEFL (iBT)70 IELTS 5.5; TOEIC 750 |
應用日語系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2 | ▲華 A2 | |||
應用德語系 | 第一
First |
▲華 A2 | ▲華 A2 |
高瞻科技不分系學 士學位學程 |
楠梓 Nanzih |
▲華 A2 |
捌、申訴方式 Appeal Application
(一) 姓名、性別、報考系所組別、住址、聯絡電話、申訴日期。
(二) 敘明疑義之具體理由與佐證資料。
Applicants who believe the admission results affect their rights may submit an appeal application to the Admission Committee within one week after the admission notification date (based on the postmark). The appeal application should contain the following information:
- Name, Gender, Applied programs, Address, Contact, and Appeal
- State the specific reasons for the questions and provide supporting
(一) 非參加本項申請入學之考生。
(二) 招生有關法令或簡章已明確規範者。
(三) 不具名申訴者。
(四) 逾申訴期限。
(五) 要求重新評閱書面審查資料。
Appeals will not be accepted in the following cases:
- The appellant did not participate in this admission application
- The admission regulations or guidelines already clearly specify the
- The appeal is submitted
- The appeal is submitted after the
- The appeal requests a re-evaluation of written review
Accepted appeals will be handled by ” The Student Appeals Review Committee ” established by the university’s Admissions Committee.
Each appeal is limited to one submission. The Admissions Committee will respond to the appellant with the appeal results within one month.
玖、聯絡資訊 Information
地址:高雄市三民區建工路 415 號
Address: No. 415, Jiangong Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807618, Taiwan
介紹影片 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOeSh6yDIvo
地址:高雄市燕巢區大學路 1 號
Address: No.1, University Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824005, Taiwan
介紹影片 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upM6ZL4-xd4
地址:高雄市楠梓區海專路 142 號
Address: No.142, Haijhuan Rd., Nanzih Dist., Kaohsiung City 81157, Taiwan
介紹影片 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyQ4LDBqbNA
地址:高雄市燕巢區深中路 58 號
Address: No. 58, Shenzhong Rd., Yanchao Dist., Kaohsiung City 824004, Taiwan
介紹影片 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yInumQ8CfQQ
地址:高雄市旗津區中洲三路 482 號
Address: No.482, Jhongjhou 3rd Rd., Cijin District, Kaohsiung City 80543, Taiwan
介紹影片 Intro Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8OIKWg69E4
附件 Appendix
Results Enquiry Form for International Student
姓名 Full Name |
In English
(英文姓名) |
In Chinese
(中文姓名) |
申請系所/學程 Department/Graduate Institute Applied/
Program |
申請學位 Degree |
□ | 博士 Doctoral | |
□ | 碩士 Master | ||
□ | 學士 Bachelor | ||
□ | 二技 Two-Year Bachelor | ||
Tel Number |
Mobile Phone |
Address |
Admission Appeal Form for International Student
姓名 Full Name |
In English
(英文姓名) |
In Chinese
(中文姓名) |
申請系所/學程 Applied Department/Graduate
Institute/ Program |
申請學位 Degree |
□ | 博士 Doctoral | |
□ | 碩士 Master | ||
□ | 學士 Bachelor | ||
□ | 二技 Two-Year Bachelor | ||
Tel |
Mobile Phone |
Address |
Fact and reason of appeal |
申訴目的: Intention of appeal | |||
Evidence(Please attach any supporting evidence (If necessary)) |
切結書 Declaration
- 本人申請身分如下勾選,保證符合下述中華民國教育部「外國學生來臺就學辦法」所稱之外國學生身分之規定(請勾選符合項目),並提供相關佐證資料。
I hereby select the applicable status below and confirm that I meet the requirement for foreign student status as outlined in the “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan” by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China (“R.O.C.”) and provide relevant corroborative information.
- 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍。於申請時未曾以僑生身分在臺就學,且未於當學年度依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法經海外聯合招生委員會分發。
I hold foreign nationality, have never held R.O.C. nationality, and have never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student. In the current academic year, I haven’t been given a placement by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
- 具外國國籍,申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍(請填寫※表格),於申請時已連續居留海外(不含港、澳及大陸地區)6 年以上。
I hold dual R.O.C. nationality but neither hold nor have had a household registration in Taiwan(Please fill out the ※ form). I have stayed overseas (excluding Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau) continuously for no less than 6 years.
- 具外國國籍,申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿 8 年,於申請時已連續居留海外(不含港、澳及大陸地區) 6 年以上(請提供喪失中華民國 國籍許可證書)。
I hold foreign nationality, and before the time of application, I also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer do at the time of application. I shall have renounced my R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application. (Please provide the permit certificate for the loss of their nationality)
- 具外國國籍兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連續居留滿 6
I hold foreign nationality, eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macao, who has never had a household registration in Taiwan, and who, at the time of application, has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
- 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時已連續居留海外 6 年以上者。
I was formerly from the Mainland Area, have foreign nationality, and had never had a household registration in Taiwan; and at the time of the application, I have resided overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
- 本人所提供之學歷證明文件(報名大學部者為相當中華民國高中畢業之證書,研究所者為大學或碩士畢業證書),在畢業學校所在地國家確為合法有效取得畢業資格,且所持有之證件相當於中華民國國內之各級合法學校授予之相當學位或資格。
The diploma I provided (secondary degree diploma for applying to the undergraduate program, bachelor or master degree certificate for the graduate program)is valid in the home country of the conferring school and is equivalent to the degree
conferred by a lawful academic school in the ROC. I have not previously applied for any academic schools in the ROC as an overseas Chinese student.
- 本人未曾因操行、學業成績不及格或犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭中華民國國內大專院校退學。
I have never been previously expelled or dismissed by any college or university in the R.O.C. due to any conduct, academic failure, or criminal convictions.
- 本人取得入學許可後,在辦理報到時,須繳交經中華民國駐外單位或代表處驗證之學歷證明文件及成績單,始得註冊入學。屆時若未如期繳交或經查證結果有不符中華民國教育部「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」之規定,即由貴校取消入學資格,絶無異議。
Upon admission, I shall submit my diploma and transcripts, verified by the R.O.C overseas office, to complete my registration. Failure to do so, or if the verification does not comply with the Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., will result in the cancellation of my admission, with no objection on my part.
- 若成功錄取國立高雄科技大學,自願放棄他校之入學資格,並保證不具有雙重學籍之狀況,若經校方查驗具有雙重學籍,願退還高科大自受獎日起至退學日止高科大補助之學雜費減免,並繳還每月獎學金及其他補助款項,亦願接受國立高雄科技大學依本校學則規定辦理,絕無異議。
If I successfully get the admission offer(s) from the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST), I am willing to give up admission offer(s) from other universities in Taiwan, and I guarantee that I will not enroll in other universities in Taiwan. If I enroll in the NKUST and other university (or universities) in Taiwan with/without semester period overlapping without notifying the NKUST, I am willing to pay back all the tuition fees and credit fees which were deducted by the NKUST, monthly stipend, and miscellaneous expenses provided by the NKUST from the date the scholarship began until the date my student status is revoked, to the unit designated by the NKUST, and I am willing to cooperate with NKUST for the follow-up process and accept any punishments from the NKUST without any objections.
- 上述所陳之任一事項同意授權貴校查證,如有不實或不符規定等情事屬實者,本人願依貴校相關規定辦理,接受任何學校處分,絕無異議。
I agree to authorize the NKUST to verify any information provided above. I am willing to follow the rules and regulations of the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology without any objections should the information provided be untruthful.
簽名 Signature: 日期 Date:(YYYY/MM/DD)
Financial Guarantee
Applicant’s name(申請者姓名):
Guarantor’s name(保證人姓名):
Guarantor’s relation to the applicant(關係):
As the applicant’s guarantor, I guarantee that I will provide adequate funds for all of the educational expenses and daily cost of living during his or her study at the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology.
Applicant’s Signature:
Guarantor’s Signature:
Guarantor’s Email:
Date: (MM/DD/YYYY)